
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Casalguidi Embroideries

I want to show you some exquisite Casalguidi Embroideries.

Years ago Ivana Palomba (we talked about her and her thesis on Carolina Amari in a previous post) gave courses on the embroideries of the Prato Textile Museum. Ivana taught the didactic part and a friend of hers, Gabriella Mantellassi, taught the technical part.

Ivana tells me that Gabriella is a true master of this technique and has a great passion for embroidery and lace. I had the good fortune to meet Gabriella at the 2011 Italia Invita Forum in Parma, Italy and can easily agree that Gabriella is a very talented lady.

Ivana has shared (with permission) some photos of Gabriella's Casalguidi Embroideries.

An intricate Casalguidi Embroidery table centre with traditional motifs.

A Casalguidi Embroidery cushion with the addition of some lovely drawn thread work top and bottom.

A cushion "sampler" with lots of different motifs, characteristic of Casalguidi Embroidery - notice the tassels!

Creative application of Casalguidi Embroidery on a lampshade.

The Prato Museo del Tessuto offers many textile-related activities and has long been on my list of places I must visit. Check out their website which has both English and Italian text.

Thank you Ivana for sharing the pics and to Gabriella for the permission to publish them!


  1. Wspaniałe prace, haft casalguidi od dawna mnie fascynował, nawet próbowałam sama robić lecz zabrakło cierpliwości. Może jeszcze kiedyś wrócę do tych prób bo jest przepiękny. Pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

  2. Many thanks to Jeanine, Ivana and Gabriella for their wonderfull work!

    Mille grazie a Jeanine, Ivana e Gabriella per il loro splendido lavoro.

  3. Grazie Jeanine, per le tue belle parole
