
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Katherine over at Regaling From Windy Ridge has nominated me for a Leibster Blog Award! Thank you very much Katherine! I hope I'm doing this right:

Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest, or beloved and the Liebster is awarded to new bloggers with less than 200 followers.

So I must now:
1. Thank my friend and link back to her
2. Post the award on my blog
3. List the bloggers that I pass the Liebster Award on to with their links
3. Let them know by commenting
4. Share five random facts about myself that people do not know about me

Katherine wrote on her blog after receiving her award:

I feel when you make note of someone you can really give them a lift to their step.
I completely agree! Funny how you take stock at certain points in time, I was just thinking that I've been blogging for two years now, the anniversary date was just a couple of weeks ago. I haven't scratched the surface of what I wanted to tell you all and I seem to have less and less time to dedicate to writing. Thank you all for hanging in and checking back on me every once in awhile!

Here are my five blogs that fall under the rules of this award which I check everyday and look forward to seeing what they've done:

Elisabetta - Ricami a Mano - a young mother who stitches beautifully! I find her projects so delightful and I love looking back every once in a while to admire all the lovely things she's shown us. How she manages to stitch with a new baby, I'll never know!

Silvana - Il Piacere del ricamo - a new author with wonderful projects and tutorials, she is always ready to answer questions and each project is better than the last!

Silvia - Dentelles d'abord - a talented embroiderer with a passion for needlelace. I especially like the way she works in historical information about the various techniques she writes about.

Blandina - La Griccia - there are so many things I enjoy about this blog: experiments in textile dyeing, stitching, weaving, recipes and her photos of her walks around Florence where she lives!

Elisabetta - Elisaricamo - this is a group of Sardinian stitchers who stitch on commission for weddings, communions and other celebrations with the proceeds from these and other work they sell once a year at a fair going to the Camp Garba Mission in Kenya. These ladies really do a wide variety of stitching and it is always interesting to see what they are making.

Whew! That was tough! Some of the little blogs I follow, I was surprized to see that they now have more than 200 members! Still, it was a tough choice to narrow down only five!

I will have to dash off a note to my nominees to spread the Leibster-love, but first five things you most likely don't know about me:

1. I love designs of honey bees and fleur-des-lys - I have strange collections of designs I've come across tucked away all over the house, though none of my decorating reflects these passions!

2. I love calligraphy but my own handwriting is terribly illegible!

3. My favourite flowers are gerbera daisies which I frequently buy from the plant store and inevitably kill very quickly.

4. I love being outside and especially on the beach during wild windstorms, in fact the nastier the weather the more I like being at the seaside.

5. Besides well-stocked needlework stores, I absolutely love stationery stores and can get lost in there for almost as many hours as needlework stores!


  1. You deserve it...I learn so much from your posts. Now, off to check your award recipients.

  2. Well... Thank you really much! I always follow you with pleasure, and this time I got a surprise!
    How can I embroider with my babies?! The answer is the following question: how could I stay in balance without my quite embroidering moments? But nights should last at least 3 hours more ...
    Thank you again,

  3. Oh, Jeanine - what wonderful little tidbits you've told about yourself! I too have a love of bees! Now I'm off to view your nominees.

  4. Oh, grazie cara amica, quanto onore!

  5. Gentile Jeanine che piacevole quanto inaspettata sorpresa grazie - spero di continuare e di non deludere mai.

  6. Funny how I like the same things: the same 5 blogs, being outside on the beach even in winter, needlework and stationery stores!

    Complimenti Jeanine per la tua passione!

  7. Grazie molte per questo blog che permette di conoscere diverse tecniche del ricamo italiano!
