
Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Mirror to my Art finalists

The 20 finalists are posted on the A Mirror to my Art blog this, as you may recall, is a needlework challenge put on by the Needleprint blog for hand-held mirror needlework, I talked about it here

I know of at least two Italian entries and I am so proud that the Italians took up the challenge to enter this contest as their needlework is so beautiful, I really wanted the English-speaking world to see some of it.

Go and vote for your favorite piece, there are 20 entries, each with it's own post. You must leave a comment below the photo to vote.

I will wait to talk about the Italian entries until the winners have been chosen so as not to influence the voting in any way.

Good luck to everyone!


  1. Difficile dare un voto, alcuni pezzi sono molto, molto belli ed originali.

  2. Hello Jeanine, Thank you for the nice comments. I've been following you for a while and have learned so much about Italian whitework from you. Love all the tutorials you showed us. Thank you! Have a nice day!!! :-))) judy

  3. Thank you for posting this, I'm one of the finalist from Rome !

  4. Ora che la competizione si รจ conclusa, puoi rivelarci chi erano le due concorrenti italiane? (anche io sono entrata in finale)

  5. Sto cercando di preparare un post con i particolari dei lavori italiani che sono stati entrati nella concorrenza. Tra poco spero di pubblicarlo!
