
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Old Needlework Encyclopedia - Volume II

Thanks to a very generous and kind friend in Italy, I have, at last, the second volume of this old needlework encyclopediaIl Nuovo Libro dei Lavori Femminili, Volume Secondo [The New Book of Woman's Works, Second Volume] by Amelia Brizzi Ramazzotti, Sonzogno, Milan. I believe that it was printed in 1914 though I can't find a date in the book.

I told you about the first volume in this post here. The second volume is full of references to Italian needlework as well as traditional widely known techniques. It has 10 sections: Embroidery on Tulle, Filet Lace, Knitting, Crochet with a subsection on Hairpin Crochet, Macramé, Tatting, Bobbin Lace, Renaissance Lace with subsections on Brussels Lace and Cluny Lace, Tenerife Lace, Needle Lace with subsections on Reticello, geometric Aemilia Ars Lace and Venetian Point Lace including Gros Point.

The last page is an ad for Cartier-Bresson thread which lists the appropriate threads to use for the various techniques and how they are (were!) available, eg. in skeins, balls or spools.

I wanted to show you this idea for Filet Lace using the tape used in Renaissance Lace:

It says that the design must be laid out on paper or fabric and attached to a support for execution much like that of Embroidery on Tulle. First you attach the tape and then go about filling in the leaves and medallions making sure to catch the filet netting below. This is definitely a different approach to Filet Lace!

This is a wonderful knotted fringe from the Macramé section:

Here is the knot in case you feel like figuring it out:

A lovely little volume to study and be inspired by. Text in Italian. There is also a listing at the end of other publications and I spy one on monograms in satin stitch that I'll be searching for...

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