
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sansepolcro Lace Biennial Workshop

After yesterday's post about the XIV Sansepolcro International Lace Biennial I received an email from an Italian lady named Silvia in Turin. This lady attended the last Biennial in 2008 and took the workshop on Aemilia Ars needle lace taught by Carla D'Alessandro of the Association "I merletti di Antonilla Cantelli" from Bologna (for my Italian readers, there's a little article in Italian here).

Silvia tells me that the course was great and afterwards she went to view the Biennial exhibits which were located at several different locations around town. She says the town of Sansepolcro is small and very easy to get around in and that it is beautiful!

She stopped outside the Lace School to take a picture of the bronze statue dedicated to women and tradition situated just outside the doors:

Silvia also sent me photos of the projects that she did at the workshop:

Silvia loves Aemilia Ars needle lace and has taken other workshops, one of which was the workshop taught by the same Association at the Italia Invita Forum in Parma in 2009:

Thank you very much Silvia for the info and the great photos of your beautiful work!

The Association "I merletti di Antonilla Cantelli" has an excellent didactic book on flowers made in Aemilia Ars needle lace. The text is in Italian but the diagrams are very clear. You can get it from Elena at Italian Needlecrafts. Also check out the book dedicated to the Aemilia Ars master Antonilla Cantelli full of excellent photos and designs of her incredible works! (Text in Italian)

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