
Monday, October 11, 2010

Romeyne Robert and Umbrian Embroidery - Part Three

If you are just joining us now, we started looking at Umbrian Embroidery here and continued here.

As previously stated the Marquess Romeyne Robert and Carolina Amari based the technique of Umbrian Embroidery on some antique Arab embroideries in the personal collection of the Countess Edith Bronson Rucellai of Florence.

I have been exploring my little book from the Associazione Culturale Femminile P.ES.CO. mentioned previously.

Correction: I did not interpret this stitch correctly! Please click here for the correct way to execute this lovely stitch!

One stitch I particularly like is the Punto Ricciolino [a literal translation would be: Little Curl Stitch]. I hope I am interpreting it correctly here:

This is a particularly attractive stitch for curved lines, giving a raised effect that I really like!

I'm doing a little sampler and will go over the other stitches in a future post.

Romeyne Robert and Umbrian Embroidery - Part One

Romeyne Robert and Umbrian Embroidery - Part Two

Romeyne Robert and Umbrian Embroidery - Part Four

1 comment:

  1. it is a beautiful stitch Jeanine..loved it..looking for the finished project..
